Monday, October 12, 2009

A Mentor is Gone

A mentor passed away yesterday. It was not a shock; we knew it was coming. Cancer has a way of claiming the best in life.

My mentor spent much of his life serving the needs of others. He was a leader, to be sure; but he was one who served. Children were his focus; making sure they had every opportunity in life to be smart.

He is gone. My hope is that he is in heaven now. I prayed that he would be ready to meet Jesus at his last breath. I trust he can answer the biblical question, "For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, yet lose his soul? For what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

I am learning that the gospel is stringent...yet it frees. The narrow gate requires that we come to the end of ourselves; that we recognize our poverty of soul before we can enter into that gate and walk down that path. Too much has been declared in the name of inclusivity; not enough has been shared relative to the cost of discipleship. But in paying the cost we find the joy of right relationship.

Jesus Himself said that there would be few found on that narrow path. Pray that you have not been deceived into thinking you are saved, only to discover that you are on the path leading from the broad gate. That path leads to eternal destruction.

Be a mentor, yes...but don't forget the real purpose in life is to become a child of God by faith in Christ.

A mentor is gone. But the Lord is near.

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